Celebrating NINE years of therapy excellence, Sanctuary Christian Counseling is now offering face-to-face as well as online therapy. Wherever you are in Pennsylvania, we can help virtually, and if you happen to be near Shippensburg, Chambersburg or Carlisle PA, we can help face-to-face. We now have therapists who specialize in children and teens. Send us an email -- info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
or call 717-200-3158.
Welcome to the new owners of Sanctuary Christian Counseling -- Jess and Aryn Hundley!
Compassionate, creative, Christian
therapy online and for Shippensburg, Chambersburg and Carlisle, PA
We help grieving individuals
If you are struggling with grief, we understand. Life can be hard, and, when you're grieving, it can be doubly difficult. Sometimes it seems like no one understands, but we do. We specialize in helping you process and overcome your sadness, find new ways forward into health, healing and hope.
We help distressed kids and teens
When your kids hurt, so do you. There's nothing more distressing than feeling hopeless to help your struggling child or teen. We are experts at giving you -- and them -- the tools, coping mechanisms and ideas that will help them overcome whatever they are dealing with, and helping the whole family cope.
We help couples in conflict
Conflict is no fun, and when relationships become stressed, everyone struggles. We are here to help you find hope and tools to build the marriage you want, to work with you to make peace with your past and each other, and to, learn to live in harmony in a loving, connected relationship.
Find peace, solutions and connection.
Even thinking about coming to counseling can feel overwhelming. We understand. Our goal is to make this process as easy, helpful and effective for you as possible by adding our experience, knowledge and professionalism to your unique personality, strengths and circumstances.
Whether you are a couple seeking a new and better connection, an individual wanting to work through some issues or past trauma, a child or teen needing a sympathetic but wise ear, a sex addict wanting support for sobriety, or another hurting person, we are here to help.
You deserve a caring professional counselor who fits your unique personality and issues. You need someone easy to talk to, who will really care about you. We think we are singularly suited to help you.
We encompass many options for your healing - marriage therapy, individual counseling, family services, spiritual direction, child and adolescent counseling, premarital counseling, sex therapy and sexual addiction work, and art therapy.
Imagine living the life you've always wanted. We can help you get there.
Take the first step by contacting us ...
9974 Molly Pitcher Highway, Suite 4
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Call: 717-200-3158
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