Marti Mahood-Wormuth, Social Media Assistant
Tackling Anxiety Face First
When I was 28 years old, I was diagnosed with social anxiety and a panic disorder. Now, granted, I knew I was anxious. I had been...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Maybe it's the uncertainty ...
So if I follow that line of thinking logically, I’m more upset now because of the potential negative outcomes I see in the future – the way
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Hitting the wall of overwhelm
I’ve been really irritable lately, and that’s not really like me. Oh, I certainly can be annoying to those who live with me (and manage...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Cabin Fever
So how are you doing? This quarantine is pretty weird isn’t it? I just found myself baking bread. BREAD. And I know I’m not alone. People...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
You can't always prepare for difficult times. Here are some ideas to help you through when they inevitably come.
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
So, why Sanctuary?
What is sanctuary in our lives? In naming our therapy practice, the idea of rest, hope and acceptance is key.
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
"Creation" of a marriage and family therapist ... take one.
I looked at the young woman in dismay. She had just confirmed my greatest fear. The Lord really was asking me to go back to school to be...