Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Holding all things .... loosely
I want to preface everything I’m about to say by noting that I am the most fortunate of humans. I live in the richest country in the...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Marriage 101: Fight fairly
Fighting is an essential part of any relationship. Wait! What did I say? You read right – fighting is often necessary to make marriage...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Marriage 101: Express yourself!
It’s probably a cliché, but communication is the cornerstone of a good relationship. Most of the people who come through our doors say...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Marriage 101: 5 things to do now to get your relationship back on track
Let’s face it. Marriage is just tough. It’s also the best thing in the world. It’s hard to be selfless and to care about another as much...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Good grief!
I will never forget August 23, 1976. Most of you were probably not even born yet, but I had just turned 20. It was the day I learned...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
We interrupt our regular schedule ...
It’s summer, so naturally my thoughts are turning towards vacation. I don’t have one coming up for about six weeks. Yikes! I did just...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Five things to consider on your birthday
Every year each of us has the chance for a small do-over, a fresh start. I’m talking about our birthdays. I just had one, so I suppose...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
At Sanctuary, we help grieving individuals
At Sanctuary Christian Counseling we’ve become experts in several things, taking extra training and having unique experiences in some...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Chhh... changes
Today is May first, or May Day. At Sanctuary Christian Counseling, we’re celebrating this tiny holiday with some new things, with more...
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti, LMFT
Your partner is not the enemy!
Every day it seems I sit in front of couples here at Sanctuary Christian Counseling, and they are absolutely convinced that the distress...