Celebrating NINE years of therapy excellence, Sanctuary Christian Counseling is now offering face-to-face as well as online therapy. Wherever you are in Pennsylvania, we can help virtually, and if you happen to be near Shippensburg, Chambersburg or Carlisle PA, we can help face-to-face. We now have therapists who specialize in children and teens. Send us an email -- info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
or call 717-200-3158.
Ellen J.W. Gigliotti LMFT, BC-TMH
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Specializes in Therapy for Therapists, couples, sex therapy, sex addiction, grief
Ellen is most interested in restoring marriages and helping women, men, and couples find hope and healing through therapy.
She loves to work with grieving, anxious or depressed individuals and couples who have lost their way. Therapy with Ellen often encompasses experiences and emotions within session that empower and enhance interactions outside of therapy. It is her goal to help clients live their best lives. One of the joys of her life is helping other therapists find joy and regain their mojo through Sanctuary Christian Counseling's Therapy for Therapists program.
Earning her MA in Marriage and Family Therapy from Evangelical Theological Seminary, she has done postgraduate work in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (completed Gottman 1, 2, and 3), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), sex therapy, sexual addictions therapy, and supervision. She has been awarded her BC-TMH (Board Certified in Telemental Health), and is awaiting sex therapy certification from the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.
She is a member and clinical supervisor for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy, and supervising younger therapists is one of the joys of her career. She is also a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors and the American Board of Christian Sex Therapists.
Ellen practices telehealth exclusively and is semi-retired. She accepts only a few clients at a time.

Contact Ellen at ellen@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com or 717-200-3158