Celebrating NINE years of therapy excellence, Sanctuary Christian Counseling is now offering face-to-face as well as online therapy. Wherever you are in Pennsylvania, we can help virtually, and if you happen to be near Shippensburg, Chambersburg or Carlisle PA, we can help face-to-face. We now have therapists who specialize in children and teens. Send us an email -- info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
or call 717-200-3158.
Online therapy for everyone near Philadelphia
For many years I (Ellen) travelled to Philly on business. Not only is the City of Brotherly Love a genuinely fun place to eat and play - I've been there many times as a tourist, too! - it's a great place for a lot of wonderful food. Pretzels, cheesesteaks, TastyKakes ... need I say more? When I was training back and forth from my home near Harrisburg to the 30th Street Train Station, I'd often take a side trip to the Reading Terminal Market for the Old City Coffee Company brew. Really, in Philadelphia, the opportunities for deliciousness and fun things to do and see are endless.
If you are a Philly fan and you know you need some help - we at Sanctuary Christian Counseling can still be there for you. We help grieving individuals, distressed kids and teens and couples in conflict find peace, solutions and connection, in Philadelphia, around Philadelphia and across Pennsylvania.
We have a safe and secure online therapy system that our clients and therapists love, that make you feel like you are sitting right next to each other, yet give you confidentiality and convenience. You can see your therapist from your home, office, car - nearly anywhere you can be alone to talk! It's the wave of the future, and we have been doing it for about five years now, so we are experts at it.
Dr. Kristen Poppa practices telementalhealth (online therapy) exclusively, while Jess Hundley, Andrea Geesaman,
and Ashley Gaines practice virtual therapy in addition to face-to-face therapy at our Shippensburg offices.
Contact our Shippensburg, PA office at 717-200-3158
or info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
Or you can contact one of our therapists directly at: