Celebrating NINE years of therapy excellence, Sanctuary Christian Counseling is now offering face-to-face as well as online therapy. Wherever you are in Pennsylvania, we can help virtually, and if you happen to be near Shippensburg, Chambersburg or Carlisle PA, we can help face-to-face. We now have therapists who specialize in children and teens. Send us an email -- info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
or call 717-200-3158.
Community Resources
Here are some community resources we've found helpful. This page is under construction, and if you don't see an organization you'd like to, please let us know using the form on the home page.
Drew's Hope, the Drew Michael Taylor Foundation: A Shippensburg-based group that helps people of all ages, but especially children, deal with grief.
Sweet Grace Ministries: offering help and support to those who have suffered miscarriage, stillbirths or neonatal deaths.
The Harbor: A downtown Shippensburg dry bar, a safe space for the community to gather and enjoy each other without substance abuse issues.
Over the Rainbow Children's Advocacy Center: A Chambersburg-based agency helping child abuse victims and their families.
Domestic Violence Hotline for Shippensburg, Cumberland County:
1-800-852-2102 (24 hours).
Domestic Violence Hotline for Shippensburg, Franklin County (Women in Need):
1-800-621-6660 or 1-717-264-4444 (24 hours).
Childline: to report suspected child abuse or neglect: 1-800-932-0313 (24 hours).
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 (24 hours).
Cumberland County Crisis line: 866.350.HELP (24 hours).
Franklin County Crisis line: 1-866-918-2555 (24 hours).
Free online information about substance abuse recovery and options:
More information about substance abuse and about recovery: https://www.addiction group.org/alcohol.
Other Resources
It's Illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana - check out this resource -
Contact our Shippensburg, PA office at 717-200-3158
or info@sanctuarychristiancounseling.com
Or you can contact one of our therapists directly at: