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Five things to consider on your birthday


Every year each of us has the chance for a small do-over, a fresh start.


I’m talking about our birthdays.


I just had one, so I suppose that’s what makes me think about how birthdays can, in some ways, be touch points in your year. There’s nothing like a day to celebrate just you to get you thinking about your life, the good, the bad and the ugly.


Here are some things to consider around your birthday:


teal birthday cake
Happy birthday!

1)    Are there people you need to make things right with – those whom you have hurt or who have hurt you? Are there people you just need to have a tough conversation with?  Does anyone have anything against you?

2)    In that same vein, are there people you just should connect with? Those you’ve lost touch with, even when you didn’t want to? Life gets so busy sometimes, and relationships can get pushed aside. However, connections with others are what life is all about, so renewing a friendship or two might be a great way to celebrate getting a year older.

3)    Plan ahead. Similar to making resolutions on New Year’s Eve, think about things you might want to change or do before you gain yet another year. For instance, there could be a hobby you really want to take up, a habit you really want to extinguish, or a place you really want to see. Think ahead one year and try to see what you’ll be glad of on that day – what will the one-year-future you really be glad you changed/added/eliminated in this upcoming year?

4)    Reflect. What was the past year like? What were the highs and lows? If you’re the kind of person who likes to write, journal about the year. Everyone tends to think that they will remember things – when events happened, who was there, what the highlights were – but I can tell you from experience you will not. You will forget, even things that were important to you at the time. I started a Bullet Journal about two years ago, and one of the things I added was a page where I put the highlights of each month. Every birthday, I review these highlights. I’m always surprised by how much I’ve forgotten!

5)    And finally, really celebrate you. More than any other day in the calendar, this is YOUR day. Do what you like, spend the day the way you wish, at least in some form. If you have to work, as I did this year, then find another close day in which to celebrate. Eat. Drink. Be merry.


Your birthday is really all about you!


If in your reflections, you find that you need some help to process something difficult or plan something healthy, give us a call. We love to help you live your best life.


At Sanctuary Christian Counseling we help grieving individuals, distressed teens and couples in conflict find peace, solutions and connection.


Sanctuary Christian Counseling

9974 Molly Pitcher Highway, Suite 4

Shippensburg, PA 17257




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